Scripture of The Day

This hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love.  (Romans 5:5) NLT


When our hope is in Jesus and in all that he has promised to do, it is secure.  He never changes, and he will not suddenly change course or abandon us.  When our expectation is Christ, we will not be disappointed.  He faithfully follows through on all his promises.  My we look to him as our embodied hope, not to others to fill us in ways that won’t last.  The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with God’s love, and we get to experience the pure delight of his presence with us now.  There is fulness of joy in him.

When was the last time you felt the freedom of his mercy piercing through your heart?  When did his presence last comfort you and bring you peace?  May you find all that you are searching for in him, and may your heart continue hope for what you cannot yet see.  He is faithful and true, and he will not fail!



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