Scripture of The Day 

And again he entered into Capharnaum after some days. … And when he entered again into Capernaum after some days, it was noised that he, (Jesus) was in the house.  (Mark 2:1)


I must say that our scripture of the day is a very important one to me.  I often use it when helping people decide on a church to attend.  It is important for people to know whether or not Jesus is in the house.

How would a person know whether or not Jesus is in the house, you might ask?  Well, He hasn’t changed since He was here on earth.  You will know that Jesus is in the house when are seeing people saved, healed, transformed, and delivered.  You see, when Jesus is in the house, salvation is in the house.  Healing is in the house. Worship is in the house.  Prayer is in the house.  You will feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Peoples lives will be changed.  You see, when Jesus is in the house there is life and life abundantly. ( John 10:10)  You will see miracles!

We are in such crazy times and being in the right church is important to you and your family.  It can be an anchor for you.  A place to worship, pray, serve, and grow in the Lord.  A place where you take what you learned there and go out into the world and be salt and light.  You are called to the ministry of reconciliation.  Helping others come to know Jesus.

Please check out the link below and watch the video by Brandon Lake, called House of Miracles!



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