Scripture of The Day Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 19:10
In three different places in the New Testament Jesus gives His disciples authority to use His name and to use all benefits of that name. One of those scriptures is our scripture of the day, the other two are Mark 16:17 and 18, and Matthew 16:19. I have always loved Mark 16:17 and 18 because I have always looked at that scripture as our “marching orders.” In other words, if we are living for the Lord, and we have His authority then these are the things that should be happening all around us.
When Jesus was here on earth He demonstrated for us what we should be doing. It is now up to us to be laying hands on the sick, casting out demons, and speaking with new tongues. That might freak you out a little, but you have been given the authority to do those things. It is not for us or to show how great we are. It is about doing what Jesus told us to do. It is about His kids being ministered to. It’s about you using your gifts and talents to bless others. What do you want to do for the Kingdom? How do you feel God is calling you to minister to others? Go do it!
Daddy God says it is ok and you have His authority to preach, sing, pray, administrate, and serve in whatever capacity you are called. We are praying for you as you step out on faith to be used for God’s glory!