Scripture of The Day 

 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument],  Jeremiah 1:5 Amp


One of the things I see and hear about over and over again is people who are looking for approval.  Maybe their father or mother or teacher or girlfriend never gave them the affirmation they needed to feel like they mattered.  In the Christian arena, I see many Christians who feel in adequate.  Maybe they did not go to college or perhaps they did not go to Bible School and they don’t think they know enough to teach God’s Word or pray out loud, or to lead a group or a Bible study.  Listen up!!  God said you are approved!!  You were created in His image, and you are the apple of His eye.  You did not choose God, He chose you! He is so pleased with you.  You are approved by the Most High God!

It does not matter that you have things in your life that aren’t perfect.  We all do.  He is still working on us.  One time my husband was asked to pray out loud in front of a church full of people.  He had never prayed in front of anyone before.  He stood up bravely and prayed.  I thought it was beautiful, but he felt like he had let God down.  After he shut himself up in his room so distraught, he opened the door and came out smiling.  I asked him what changed?  This is what the Lord told him, “You asked me to save you, I did.  You asked me to deliver you from alcohol, I did.  You asked me to save your marriage, I did.  Why are you so upset and worried about the things I’m not finished with yet?”

Please know that God has chosen you for this very moment.  He approves of you, you are anointed, called, and full of all that God is by the Holy Spirit. The devil is a liar!  Stand strong in your thoughts about yourself.  You are not just chosen, but approved by Almighty God!



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