Scripture of The Day 

“May the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ come again.”   (1 Thessalonians 5:23)


Our God is a God of order.  God designed you and I with three distinct parts, and you need to embrace the principles of spiritual order.  Understanding spiritual order will help us get rid of the sin in our lives and walk in holiness and freedom.  As much as we all want to live long lives in fellowship with God, this does not come naturally to us.  Paul said that there is an internal struggle that goes on between the desire to do right and the natural tendency to do wrong.

We are a spirit that must be redeemed.  That is the part of you that will live forever.  You have a soul, that is your mind, will, and emotions.  Your soul must be restored.  You live in a body, that is your flesh and it must surrender.  We desire to be led by the spirit, not by other things that can so easily beset us.  Did you know that you are a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience on earth rather than a physical being having a temporary spiritual experience?

God wants you and I to be transformed into His image.  To do that, we must allow God’s Word to change us, transform us, and for the Holy Spirit to be in the lead in our lives.  Spiritual order provides a framework for living in the Tree of Life.  It allows you and I to live with our spirit united with God, and our soul and body submitted to your spirit.  God’s order is perfect!



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