Scripture of The Day 4/8/2022

“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me…..” (Psalm 138:8)

By nature I’m a fixer.  If I see someone going through a hard time, I want to help fix it.  Unfortunately, most people’s situations are  bigger and more involved than a human can fix.  Yet, there is always one solution that works: “Father, I put my trust in You.”

If you can trust God with where you will spend eternity, then, you can trust Him with everything else in life.  The whole reason Jesus came to this earth was to provide you with abundant life.  It’s the devil who tries to steal, kill, and destroy you.

“But I don’t know how God can fix this mess!”  someone might say.  That’s why our Christian walk is a walk of faith.  Of course we cannot figure it all out, but we know who can.  Speaking of God figuring things out, Isaiah 40:12 says, “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure?  Weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?”  I think calculating the earth and arranging the galaxies more than qualified God to handle whatever problems threaten our peace of mind.

Folks, God is the supreme Fixer of all time.  He’s more than able to handle situations and circumstances that confront us.  All we have to do is get out of His way, turn our situation over to him in faith and thank Him the answer is on the way.


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