Scripture of The Day

Let’s keep focused. ( Philippians 3:15 TM)Have you ever heard the expression, what you focus on develops?  That is a very true statement. I have come to find out that living a more focused life has great benefits.


  1. It can simplify life.  When you do not know your purpose, you try to do too much and end up in stress, fatigue and conflict. Focused living
    leads to a simpler lifestyle and a saner schedule.  “You Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm.”  (Isaiah 26:3 TEV)
  2. You become effective by being selective.  For your life to have impact you must focus  on it. Don’t confuse activity with productivity.  Defused light has limited impact, but when it  is focused like a laser it can cut through steel.
  3. It motivates you.  Nothing energizes, like clear purpose. It’s meaningless work, not   overwork, that wears us down.
  4.  It prepares you for eternity.  People who spend their lives trying to create a lasting legacy on earth, fail to realize that all achievements are eventually surpassed, all records broken, all reputations fade, and all tributes forgotten. What matters most isn’t
    what others say about you, but what God says.  So live with that in view.







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