Scripture of The Day

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”  (Acts 1:8)


Have you ever experienced the power of God in your life?  Do you know that you know that God is able to do all that he has set out to do?  Do you really believe in what you believe in?  The Holy Spirit is not reserved for just those super spiritual folks.  He is our promised holy help, the one who empowers you and I to live the godly lives God desires for us to live.  Do you really realize that the Holy Spirit’s power is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead?  It is death-shaking, sickness healing, eye-opening, heart changing, pure love poured out.

In the book of Acts, the people waited for the Holy Spirit to come upon them.  They did not rush into ministry or try to prove their love with things of the flesh.  They waited for the power of the Spirit to meet them and transform them.  I have great news for you, we have that  same access to the Spirit that the early church did.  I encourage you to wait upon him, praying for miracles and praising the name of Jesus



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