Scripture of The Day 

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118: 24).


How you live today impacts your tomorrow. Your today really does count.  It is all you have.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised. So I encourage you to make your day count.

Your decisions are very important to being successful in all areas of your life.  Your marriage, your business, and your walk with the Lord are all impacted by your decisions. I read something by John Maxwell that made me stop and think..  He said that we underestimate the management of a decision and overestimate the decision.  Everything we do requires management and maintenance.  If there is no management of our decisions they will have no impact.

Our decision to follow the Lord is the most important decision of our lives.  However, if we do not read His Word, pray, and connect with a local church or body of Christ, how will we ever grow in our walk?  We must manage that decision in order to have a strong relationship with the Lord.  Make your days count with the God.  He has great plans for you. Remember, this is the day the Lord has made….Make it count!



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