Scripture of The Day 11/24/2023

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  (Matthew 11:28)


I recently heard a story about a guy, who at 54 years of age, entered the Milwaukee marathon.  He had two goals-to finish the race and to do it in under 5 hours.  He said it could have gone that way if the second 13.1 miles had gone as good as the first.  He spoke about how hard and grueling the race was and the second-wind strength he had hoped for had kicked in.  However that second-wind strength did not come.  By the time he crossed the finish line. his steady stride had morphed into a painful walk.

Footraces aren’t the only things that require second-wind strength–life’s race does too. To endure, tired and weary people need God’s help.  Isaiah 40:27-31 combines beautiful poetry and prophecy to comfort and motivate people who need strength to keep going. Timeless words remind fatigued and discouraged people that God has not forgotten us and that our plight doesn’t escape His notice.  These words breathe comfort and assurance and remind us of God’s limitless power.

The second-wind strength described in verses 29-31 is just right for us-whether we’re in the throes of raising and providing for our families, struggling through life under the weight of physical or financial burdens, or relational tensions, or spiritual challenges.  Such is the strength that awaits those who-through meditating on the scriptures and prayer-wait upon the Lord.  A finishing thought from a friend, she said every time I have to do something hard or something I do not want to do, “I get behind myself and Push!”



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