Scripture of The Day 

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him”  I Corinthians 2:9


I have heard many Christians say that the Christian Life is dull.  I would say that if you feel like you are not living your Christian life right! God’s written Word is the most non-boring book ever written and its author is the antithesis of dull.

I know of a ministry that used “Adventure Awaits” as their theme for one of their conferences.  I couldn’t agree more.  As I have watched the series, The Chosen, I have realized that the disciples who followed Jesus saw miracles, felt the power of His love and grace, and watched him engaging His critics.  I don’t think their lives were boring or dull at all.  They watched the crucifixion, even if it was from afar, and they experienced their resurrected Savior firsthand.  I would not call that boring!

A few years ago a Christian artist, Steven Curtis Chapman, wrote and recorded a song, “The Great Adventure. ”  I have added the link below.  Watch it and check out the Words.  They express what it is like to follow Jesus even in this time that we are living in.

I encourage you today, to saddle up your horses.  We have a trail to blaze.  Let’s follow our leader to the glorious unknown! Serving Jesus is not dull or boring! It is life-changing!!

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