By Cheryl Henderson

Scripture of The Day 5/2/2022

The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters. (Romans 8:19) The Promise Bible

My Pastor taught on Leadership this morning.  Now, I have read many self help books on Leadership from authors like Myles Munroe, John Maxwell and others.  But the leadership that was taught today is different.  Did you know that you are the sons and daughters the universe is waiting for?  Ephesians 4:11-16 talks about how God gave gifts unto men and some were prophets, preachers, teachers, apostles, evangelist, and missionaries.  God’s purpose is to perfect the saints, mature us, have us come into the unity of the faith so that we come to the standard height of Christ’s own perfection. the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and completeness found in Him. It is so time for
all of us to get into position to lead.

One thing Ed and I learned is that you will never have any more authority than you are willing to submit to.  We must be a good follower before we can be a leader.  Look at Joshua, he was under Moses’ leadership, look at Elisha, he was under Elijah’s leadership.  We must learn to follow before we can lead.  The disciples followed Jesus and learned from Him.  Then when the Holy Spirit came they were empowered to lead.

Three things to think about in leadership:

1. Leaders see potential and embrace potential. Just like God did with David.

2.  Leaders embrace possibilities.  Their mind set is, all things are possible.

3.  Leaders engage in pursuit.  Just like Joshua after Moses died, he stepped up to the plate and led the children of Israel into the promise land

I encourage you to get ready. It is time for you to lead!



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