Scripture of The Day

“In your anger do not sin”. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,  and do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:26-27


I have read the story of Cain and Abel many times. Recently I have seen something new in that verse. I saw the words, “in your anger.”   There were many times in my marriage and in other relationships where I was angry and frustrated.  I wanted  Ed to stay up with me and get things resolved before we went to sleep.  Sometimes that was possible, but other times it was not.  Then I saw that it was not about Ed’s anger, it was about mine!

I think Paul was trying to tell us to deal with our anger.  Don’t lie in bed and let it consume your mind.  If that happens, your anger will come out of your mouth and show what is mastering you.

In the story of Cain and Abel God came to Cain and ask him, “Why are you angry?  Why are you letting your anger consume so much?   Why is your face downcast?”  In our anger, God will come to us.  We just have to be willing to humble ourselves.

Here is the pattern I see:

1.The mind:  Cain refused to humble himself and allowed this anger to fester
inside him.

2.  His Mouth: Cain was not willing to let forgiveness spill from his lips.

3.  What Ruled Him:  The sin that was crouching at his door deeply ruled him, so much he killed his brother.

I know it is hard when the hurt is so fresh or ongoing.  But our God is so gracious to give us His Word.  Tonight when you lay your head down, I pray that you allow God to speak to your heart and lay your anger down.  Do not let it master you. In prayer, sweep your heart clean of any anger and unforgiveness.

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