Scripture of The Day 

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Romans 15:13


I know most of you have heard the old song “What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love.” Well, I think what the world needs now is Hope sweet Hope. Not the feeble, wishful, maybe one of these days kind of hope, but the Abraham kind of hope that believed God and hoped against hope that God would do what He said!!  Confident Expectation!!

H – Stands for Hold On!  The Scripture says that when you have done all, then stand therefore.  (Eph. 6:14)   To stand does not mean to stand still.  It means to take a stand, draw a boundary, and keep walking in what you know.   For me to “Hold On” to something usually means that I have to let go of some things.  I love John Mason’s book, “Let Go of Whatever Makes You Stop.”  I don’t know what makes you stop, but for me, I had to let go of fear.  The fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of what others will think or say.  I also had to let go of my past.  Pastor Paul Zink says it like this, “Your past has no future!!”  Paula White says that God does not consult your past to determine your future.  I also had to let go of unforgiveness.  I had to change my focus. It’s not that I didn’t remember what hurt me, but I chose not to dwell on it.

Stands for Overcomer…… Romans 8:37 says you are more than a conqueror!  That means that you will conquer those things which are trying to conquer you!!  You are stronger than you know!  The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you!!  Believe what God says about you.  You are an Overcomer!

Stands for  Purpose ……..Jeremiah 29:11 states that God has thoughts and plans for you and that they are good to give you hope (Confident Expectation).  You are not where you are by accident.  You are not with the people you are with by accident.  You are here for such a time as this and God wants to use you in the lives of others!  There is a divine purpose for you.

E  Stands for Enjoy…. Joyce Meyer wrote a book called “Enjoy Where You Are on the Way to Where You’re Going.”  Life is too short, have fun on your journey.  Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends.  Don’t miss the here and now waiting for the by and by.  Lighten up, don’t take things so seriously.  Laugh!!!  A merry heart makes good like medicine!  Also as a side note, it
is important for you to know how much God loves you and it is His good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.  In Isaiah (Is. 49:16) the scripture says that God has a picture of you graven or tattooed on the palms of each of His hands.  He cannot and will not forget you. Look up my friend, there is HOPE for you!

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