Scripture of The Day

“He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”  (John 7:38)


God wants to help us to see that every child of God ought to receive the Holy Spirit.  I know there are all kinds of teachings on this and some people have not taught the truth. However, God wants us to have an upper room experience like in Acts 2:4. It is a subsequent experience to salvation.  Don’t be afraid of it.

Once the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost that launched us all into what we are seeing today.  Peter was always sticking his foot in his mouth until the Holy Spirit blew into that upper room.  He was different after that.  He began to speak with power and authority. At his first sermon 3000 people got saved!!  Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would take of the things of His Word and reveal them to us.  (John 14:26,16:14)

If we could only get what that really means. God the Holy Spirit want us to know the reality of this fullness of the Spirit so that we will neither be ignorant nor have mystic conceptions but will have a clear, unmistakable revelation of the mind of God for these days.

I implore you to seek the fullness of the Spirit.  After all He is our guide, teacher, wisdom, revelation and the power that moves in us to move in our gifts and talents. ” But you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you.” (Acts 1:8)

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