Scripture of The Day 

God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love and self-control.  2 Timothy 1:7 TPT


I have had many calls lately from folks dealing with a spirit of fear.  Fear is not from God. However, we have all dealt with some form of fear at some point.  Part of what Jesus did on the cross is to purchase our freedom.  Freedom from sin, sickness, poverty, shame, guilt, and many other things that usually keep people in bondage.

What a beautiful freedom we find in fellowship with Jesus!  Through communion with the Holy Spirit, we find the fullness of Christ.  There is no fear in God’s love.  It does not push us away; it draws us close to his heart.  Fear is not given by the Holy Spirit of God.  Let us remember, especially when anxiety runs rampant and chaotic fear threatens our peace, that fear is not the way of our God.

Instead, we are given mighty power, love, and self-control.  There is peace in place of anxiety.  There is strength for our weakness.  there is power in our helplessness.  There is love and acceptance in our failures.  There is more than we can know, and it is good. Even when our circumstances do not change, God’s peace is our portion.  Are you experiencing overwhelming worry or fear today?  Bring it to God. Let him give you his light load for your heavy one.

“. . . Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you….”  (I Peter 5:7)


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