Scripture of The Day

My dear brothers and sisters, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, never think some people are more important than others.  James 2:1 NCV



Did you know that there is no hierarchy in Jesus?  We are all brothers and sisters, daughters and sons: humans with the same value. I have always heard it said, that the ground around the cross is level.  Jesus is clear about that in his Word.  He broke the rules of society and of the religious leaders of the time by choosing to spend his time with those not considered worthy.  He did not turn down dinners with tax collectors  He did not turn away the sick or the outcast.

What about us?  What is our worldview?  Is this an offensive truth to us, that we are not worth more to God than any other?   Don’t you know that His love is big enough for all of us; its power is strong enough to save us all?    There is no one too far from the grip of his grace if they will turn to him.  How do we reflect Jesus’ love in the way we treat others? including how we talk and think about them when they are not around.

As I have been praying Psalm 51:10-12 for God to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me, things are popping up in my life I am to take notice of.  The days we are living in are going to require us to walk in the fullness of what God has for us.  To see people the way He does. They will know us by our love one for the other. (John 13:35)


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