Scripture of The Day

Don’t be afraid…all that is secret will be made public.  (Matthew 10:26)



How would you like to have all your private thoughts and sins exposed?  The Bible says it will happen.  “Each of us must account for what we do. (Romans 14:12 CEV)  “Everything is .. . .bare before…him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13 NIV).  “He knows all hidden things …darkness is no obstacle to him” (Dan 2:22 TLB).   “You must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak” (Mt 12:36 TLB). “He will bring . . secrets to light and  . . reveal . . .private motives:  (1 Cor 4:5 NLT)

So when Jesus says, “All that is secret will be made public.”  it sounds more like cause for panic than reassurance doesn’t it?  So why is it a reason for rejoicing?  The answer is found in Romans 2:16.  “God will judge men’s secrets through Jesus Christ” (NIV).  Did you get that?  Highlight those last 3 words:  “through Jesus Christ” then heave a sigh of relief!  Jesus is the filter through which God sees and judges you.  “ Christ are not judged guilty” ( Romans 8:1 NCV ). Faith in him sets us in the clear. Everyone who believes . . . is freed from  . . .guilt and declared right with God.  (Acts 13:39 NLT).

Today when God looks at you–He sees only the One who surrounds you!  Your weaknesses still need to be dealt with, but they don’t disqualify you,  Because you’re “in Christ” your victory is secure! You can rejoice!


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