Scripture of The Day 

With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:21) NCV


Have you ever tested the limits of God’s power in your life?  Have you stretched your imagination to dream about what he could do?   Though we have many limitations in our humanity, God has none. He is not bound to what we know, thank goodness!  His power is mighty to save.  It is strong enough to raise the dead, to make the blind eye see, to open deaf ears, and to bring solutions to impossible situations.  There is nothing he cannot do.

Whatever limitations you are facing today, may the incomparable power of God blow away every expectation you have as his grace meets you in tangible ways.  Let your heart trust his powerfully, so that you won’t worry about what you are unable to do.  Throw your hope into his faithfulness and train your mind to look to him whenever fear threatens your peace.  He can do much more than you can ever ask or imagine.


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