In teaching a recent Freedom class I read a statement that explained a lot to me We say we understand that this earth is not our home. Do we really? The following is a statement I read; “Did you know that you are a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience on earth rather than a physical
being having a temporary spiritual experience?” That statement opened my eyes to the fact that everything I see is temporary!
“We are Christ’s Ambassadors” (2 Cor 5:20). Don’t get too attached to what’s around you, it’s temporary. We are to make good use of the things around us without becoming attached to them, for this world and all it contains will pass away. (1 Cor 7:31).
The fact that this world is not our ultimate home explains why we experience difficulty, sorrow, and rejection. It also explains why some promises seem unfulfilled, some prayers unanswered, and some circumstances unfair. This is not the end of the story! Don’t you know that you will never be completely satisficed on this side of Heaven? We are not supposed to be. Enjoy your life here on earth. Love others,
take care of your families, teach them about Jesus. Lead as many as you can to the Lord. The best is yet to come!