Scripture for the Day
January 4, 2021
Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? (2 Corinthians 10:7)

We live in a world of productions where outward appearances are relied on heavily by many. We want the best looking, the best dressed, the best educated, the best speaking, etc., etc. We want the best representing us for our business, our television shows, our sales personnel, and even our Pastors and Ministers. It is very interesting to look at how the Bible describes some of the people that God chose. Do you remember when God chose David for Samuel to anoint as King? He chose David rather than any of his seven brothers even though Samuel and David’s father Jesse thought any of the older brothers were more suited for the job. Listen to God’s comments about one of the brothers: And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said, Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him. But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:6-7)

The Apostle Paul was one of the most powerful men of God to ever live. He was responsible for a great majority of the New Testament. If you read 2 Corinthians you will find that his outward appearance was not that great and he wasn’t a great speaker. For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible. (2 Corinthians 10:10)
How did the Prophet Isaiah describe Jesus? For He [the Servant of God] grew up before Him like a tender shoot (plant), And like a root out of dry ground; He has no stately form or majestic splendor That we would look at Him, Nor [handsome] appearance that we would be attracted to Him. (Isaiah 53:2, Amplified Bible)

Do you see a pattern here? Does God just love ugly? No, he does not just love ugly. What God does do is look at the heart and that levels the playing field out there for everyone. You may not be the most handsome, and you may not be a homecoming queen, but if you have a heart for God, and are willing to go, He can use you mightily. There are a couple of English idioms like “don’t judge a book by its cover” and “pretty is as pretty does” that are metaphorical phrases which mean “you shouldn’t prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone”. The point is that we live in a world that more and more concentrates on outward appearances and we need to be very careful of that, especially in the church world. Some of the most anointed and powerful people I have ever met were not great to look at but they sure did have a heart for God. Don’t be quick to judge. Look at the heart! By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples: if ye have love one for another. (John 13:35)


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