A Nugget from New Life Network

(by Dr. Larry Ollison)

Scripture for the Day – August 24, 2020

“Therefore, do not worry saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things” [What things? What you eat, what you drink, what you wear] “the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things” [What things? The things you need] “will be added to you.” (explanation mine) (Matthew 6:31-33)

Jesus promised that our needs would be met. Most people have needs in their lives. The only reason we would need something is because we lack something. God wants us to attack the lack in our lives. He does not want us to be living in the “land of not enough.” He wants us to be living in the “land of more than enough.” He wants us to be living in the “land of abundance.” That is what God wants for us.

Christians want that too. I do not want to be living in the “land of needing my needs met.” I want to be living in the “land of more than enough.” I want to be living in the “land of abundance.” I am sure you do too! We can live in the “land of not enough,” “just enough,” or “more than enough.” During the time the Hebrews were in Egypt in captivity, they were living in the “land of not enough.” When you are a slave to something, you are living in the “land of not enough.” If you are a slave to sickness in your body, you are living in the “land of not enough.” If you are a slave to the payment book or the credit card company, you are living in the “land of not enough.” If you owe somebody anything, you are living in the “land of not enough.” You do not have your needs met. This is not meant as a condemnation. However, if you owe money to anyone, you are living in the “land of not enough.”

God wanted the Hebrews to move out of the “land of not enough.” He wanted to get them over into the land that was flowing with milk and honey. He wanted them to live in the “land of more than enough,” in abundance and overflow. That is where He wanted them to be. He wanted them to live in His glory. But they were stuck in the “land of not enough.” Then, as they started to go to the “land of more than enough,” they got stuck in the “land of just enough.”

When they were in the wilderness, they had food, but only enough for one day. They did not have enough for tomorrow or the next day. They could not store it up, because it would rot. Remember the story of the manna? They could not store it. They had just enough for one day at a time. That is the area of having your needs met. They had shelter and they had food and water. Their clothes would not wear out. They had enough to get by. They had “just enough.” That is the “land of just enough.”

Some Christians have moved out of poverty and settled into the land of just enough. Because they have their needs met, they think they are living in abundance! They think they are prosperous! But they are not. They have “just enough.” God wants us to move from the area of being in need and move through the area of enough and beyond that into the area of true prosperity. He wants us to press through to where we can pray and believe for our dream. Beyond that, He wants us to press through to where we can live in divine health, divine prosperity, and live walking in the glory of God – the place where we give no thought to our needs. As long as the devil can keep us caught up in the area of “we need our needs met,” then we are not going to be thinking about the abundance of God and the ministry of God because we are going to be so caught up with thinking about the bill that is due.

How much time do you spend in a day thinking about, working toward, and figuring out how you are going to get your bills paid? How much time do you spend going to the doctor? How much time and money and resources do you spend taking care and trying to get up to the level of just getting your needs met? Let us learn how to press past the “land of not enough” into the place where God wants us to be in the “land of more than enough.” Never seek to just get by, but always press in for all that God has for you.


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