Thus far hath the Lord helped us. (I Samuel 7:12)
It is a good idea to establish some spiritual landmarks, reminding us of the times God intervened on our behalf. My husband called them, “anchors.” These were the times God showed up and the Word came alive. These were the times when our roots went deep. No one could ever take away what we had experienced. You know, if we don’t remember these landmarks or anchors we could quickly forget, lose our footing, or claim credit for things we’d nothing to do with.
When God miraculously opened the Jordan River for the Israelites to pass over, He knew something they didn’t–that soon they would come up against Jericho, their biggest battle. That is when they would need reminders and a reference point. So He told them to collect 12 stones from the Jordan and build a memorial. This would act as a reminder of His past faithfulness. Samuel did the same thing after Israel defeated the Philistines. He took a stone and named it Ebenezer saying, “Thus far the Lord helped us.”
I heard a recent teaching on the word, remember. Take time today to look back over your life and remember some of the spiritual landmarks and anchors in your life. I know you have had times when God rescued you, protected you, provided for you, and got you through some hard places. I just want you to remember that if He did it one time, He will do it again. Take time today to remember those spiritual landmarks. They will give you a sense of gratitude for yesterday’s blessings, and the confidence to face whatever tomorrow brings.