Scripture of The Day
March 22 ,2021

Have I not commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go.
(Joshua 1:9)

By Cheryl Henderson

When I think of the champions of the Bible I think of people like King David, and Samson. I also think of Paul. His salvation was so powerful! He went from one extreme to another suddenly! From that point on his life was never the same. Paul went through trail after trail. He was beaten, stoned, and imprisoned and yet he praised the Lord and never backed down from telling others about Jesus and helping new believers grow in Christ. He changed the world he lived in! I want to be like that!

Joshua is another champion to me. He served Moses for many years. He was not afraid to follow God’s promise to take the land. He and Caleb were the only ones from the original group that made it into the promise land! I also love Nehemiah! He served the King. He hurt for his country and his people when he heard they were in devastation. He was a praying man. He was bold enough to ask the King to allow him to go and rebuild the city and the wall. His King said go with my blessings. He went, surveyed the situation, and called the people together for the work. Despite many attacks of the enemy he would not come down off the wall until the work was done. When things were all done, he turned it over to another to take charge and he went back to the King. That looks like Jesus to me! I want to be like that!

I found this declaration in my Promise Bible and I want to share it with you. I am not afraid of the enemy when he comes against me. The greater One resides in my heart and I am well able to defend my wife, husband, children, brothers and sisters, and home. I am ever-ready to stand against the attacks of the enemy. I am perpetually clothed in full armor. I do my work with a sword in one hand. My God is a great and awesome God and He fights both with me and for me. He frustrates and sets to confusion all of the enemy’s plans. Therefore, my victory is made certain.


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