What We Do
Our Mission
Assist all those who want to find out who they are in Christ and help them find their place, purpose and destiny.
Serve as a complete resource center for support in marriage, parenting, relationships, leadership, finances, communication, business and many other relevant issues pertaining to a successful life.
Provide inspirational material from music and books to CDs and DVDs.
Work with thousands of local Pastors to compile and supply a comprehensive network of supportive churches both locally and worldwide.
Assist other large evangelistic outreaches, including Joyce Meyer Ministries and Joel Osteen Ministries/Lakewood Church, in finding good local churches for new believers, partners and followers of their ministries.
Facilitate independent evangelistic meetings and marriage seminars at a wide range of venues, including churches and business functions.
Provide a wide array of Inspirational books at an onsite book table for major business and ministry meetings.