Scripture of The Day 

Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all
who are to come.  (Psalm 71:18,)


Elijah was one of the most powerful prophets of God in the Bible. He prophesied to King Ahab that there would not be rain for three years and there was no rain. The Lord commanded the ravens to feed Elijah daily at the Brook of Cherith until the brook dried up from no rain. After the brook dried up, the Lord sent Elijah to a widow who only had enough food for her and her son for one day. Elijah prophesied over the food and they all ate for many days. When the widow woman’s son got sick and died, Elijah prayed for the son and he was raised from the dead.

Elijah then confronted the 850 false prophets who served King Ahab and his wife Jezebel. He challenged them to a fire sacrifice competition and won. He then had all the false prophets executed, which made King Ahab and Jezebel very angry. Elijah then prayed for it to start raining again after three years and it started to rain.

But then, God spoke! Elijah, what are you doing in this cave? After much discussion, God talked him out of the cave and told him to go find three men (Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha). God told Elijah to anoint Hazael to be King over Syria; Jehu to be King over Israel; and Elisha to be the prophet that would take over from Elijah.

This story is very important for men and women of God that have done great exploits but are now getting on up in years. It can be a depressing time, if we let it, or it can be a very fulfilling time. These three men were able to accomplish much more than Elijah.  For example, Elisha did twice as many miracles as Elijah. More importantly, Jehu was the one that confronted and brought down Jezebel. It wasn’t Elijah that was called to confront Jezebel.

Have you been one of those who God has used greatly? Are you presently in a cave because those times seem to have disappeared? The Word from the Lord is this. Come out of your cave and find the next generation of giant killers that need you to impart your anointing and wisdom to. It’s time for them to take the baton and run with it and you are a needed part of that plan.


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