A Ministry to the Marketplace

What We Do

Marketplace Ministry

Born from the desire of both businessmen and ordained ministers alike to assist others as they make new choices, develop new lifestyles, and embark on their New Life in Christ.

World Missions

What started as a humanitarian outreach, has grown into an army of missionaries employing their unique gifts and resources to reach the hearts of broken and desperate people around the world.

Sex Trafficking Restoration

A shelter and aftercare restoration center where adult survivors of human/sex trafficking can come to heal and be restored.

Resource Center

We realize that as many of us walk through life we all need help along the way. New Life is here to offer that help in many forms.

Addiction Counseling

Through the Total Freedom Program, those suffering from addiction are being discipled in the knowledge and use of the Word of God, and developing a relationship with God and His Holy Spirit.

Inspirational Products

We provide an array of inspirational books, Bibles, Devotionals and other products in our online store and at major business and ministry meetings.


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