A Nugget from New Life Network
(excerpts from Chris Musgrove of Future Now)
Scriptures for the Day (October 12, 2016)
I Corinthians 14:3, NIV says, “But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.” That same scripture in God’s Word Translation says, “But when a person speaks what God has revealed, he speaks to people to help them grow, to encourage them, and to comfort them.”
The gift of prophesy is live and well in the church today. However, you need to be able to judge that word personally. Does it lineup with the Word of God? Does it bear witness with your Spirit? Does it edify, exhort and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3)? We have had many prophetic words spoken over us but there have only been a select few that were life changing and thank God for those. The following is a testimony about prophetic words from Chris Musgrove.
I have had many people prophesy over me throughout my Christian life but a few stand out as what I like to call “landmark words”. One was in the August of 1999, my daughter Kasey and I were in Darien Lake, NY at a Christian music festival called Kingdom Bound. We were there to meet with the directors of Kingdom Bound about helping establish a festival in North Florida. Kasey was only 11 years old at the time and because of an early flight and then being overexposed to the sun in the park that day, she was laying up against me asleep during the last concert of the night.
As I sat there I began to question myself about my trip to New York. I felt out of place, almost as if I missed God by being there. Looking back, I realize now that the enemy was working behind the scenes to discourage me because he knew something was coming to bless me.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Darlene Zschech and the Hillsong band were singing “Shout to the Lord”. We were seated right at the front of the stage. At one point I thought we would be raptured in the glory of that united worship to God. The presence of God was very strong in that place. I didn’t know how Kasey was sleeping through it.
As I was soaking all this in I noticed a woman who was an usher coming through the seats to where we were seated. I looked up and realized we were seated in the handicap section. So as she got over to where we were seated I was preparing myself to begin apologizing and getting ready to move to some other seats. But before I could say a word she put her hand on my shoulder and without missing a beat she spoke these words. “My son, I will help you make that move you’re going to make. I will help you reach that generation I’ve called you to reach, and I will give you songs in the night.” Then she turned and walked away, and that was all she said.
I was in complete awe, and I was strengthened, encouraged, and comforted. I now knew that God had me right where He wanted me. In the next 5 years that followed, God moved us from the church where we were serving and we began FutureNow (an outreach program to middle and high schools) and moved to Valdosta, GA where FutureNow grew exponentially. Since then God has given us over 8 songs that we have recorded for FutureNow.
I Timothy 1:18 says, “This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare.” The International Standard Version says, “Timothy, my child, I am instructing you in keeping with the prophecies made earlier about you, so that by following them you may continue to fight the good fight.”
In other words, when the devil tries to tell you that you’ll never accomplish what God has called you to do and you get weary in the battle, you can be encouraged, strengthened, and comforted by the prophecies that were spoken over you and continue to fight. True prophetic words are like guideposts for life that will always edify, encourage and remind you that you belong to God and that what He has called, anointed, and gifted you to do will never change. False prophetic words will always discourage, condemn and bring fear and doubt. Know the difference! Keep the good and cast down the bad.