Quit Your Complaining

Scripture of The Day 

“Now the people became like those who complain of adversity” Numbers 11:1

Excerpts by Jentezen Franklin

Did you know that there is a particular kind of complaining that grates on the ears of God? “Now the people became like those who complain of adversity in the hearing of the Lord.”

We all face many different kinds of adversity in our lives. For some, it is a health issue. For others, it is career issues and continuous job changes. It could be blended family issues, and the list goes on. Some of us made poor decisions and our marriages fell apart. Each of us has something in our lives that God doesn’t want to hear us complain about.

It is hard to live with adversity, but understand this, you forfeit the grace that’ll get you through it when you complain about it. The strength and joy needed to experience victory is available to you, but by choosing to complain or cling to the idol of a perfect life, you will forfeit it.

But what can I do? I am glad you asked. Ask yourself two questions: (1) Am I a complainer? Think about that. Why? Because complaining is hard to see in ourselves but easy to see in others. (2) Am I willing to repent? If you are serious about putting this wilderness attitude behind you, think about why you’re in the wilderness to begin with. If God reveals complaining as a problem in your life, acknowledge it—then turn from it! Otherwise, expect more wilderness ahead


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