You Have A Destiny
Scripture of The Day
So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)
Did you know that you have a Destiny? The word Destiny means, a future that someone or something will have. It could be defined as what God has planned for one's life. He tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has plans for us and they are good.
Destiny can never be figured out it can only be revealed by trusting and following God's Word and His way of doing things. The world we live in wants to dictate to you what your Destiny is. Don't go the way of the world. God has a plan, a path, and a purpose for each of our lives. It all leads us to our destiny. To me, it is all about trusting God and His plans for our lives.
Joseph was given dreams about his Destiny, but he was not ready for them. If God were to show you everything at one time you would freak out!! You and I are not ready for what God wants to do in our lives. So we must trust the process as we grow in Him. Paul realized that he, like Joseph, was in God’s training process and had not arrived at his ultimate destination, yet. In fact, so many great men and women of the Bible had to trust the process of God getting them ready for their destiny. We are no different.
Be encouraged! You have a great Destiny. God will reveal it to you as you trust the process and trust the One leading you.