Take Back Your Life
Sometimes life is like a maze; it’s easy to get lost. Pressure is coming at us from every direction to keep others happy. We spend a ton of energy studying the important people in our lives, trying to decide what they want from us, and losing ourselves in the process. Have you ever felt like this? Does this sound familiar? Today ask yourself, “What am I living for? Why am I doing the things I do? What has God gifted and called me to do?” Those who succeed at being themselves don’t allow others to control them because God leads them.Don’t get mad because people place demands on you. It’s your life– take charge of it! I once heard a preacher say, “Don’t complain about what you allow.” The pressures you’re feeling may not be coming from others at all, they may be coming from your fears and insecurities. Sure there are times when we all do things we’d rather not do. We do them because we love others, and in so doing we’re being led by God’s Spirit. But that’s different from being controlled by your insecurities, or the endless demands of others.When you try to become everything to everybody, you get lost in the process! When you live for other’s approval, you risk forfeiting God’s! It’s time you started praying, ” Lord, what will you have me to do?” (Acts 9:6) Once He reveals it to you commit yourself to it fully, regardless of who does or doesn’t agree. Don’t get to the finish line only to discover you ran on somebody else’s track.