There Is A Blessing In The Waiting
I used to have an issue with our scripture for the day. Waiting is not my favorite thing. I like things done now. However, that is not how God works. He doesn’t live in our time zone. He is not restricted to time. His timing is always perfect.
Isaiah 40:31 emphasizes that people who put their trust in God will be renewed with strength and can endure difficult circumstances without losing hope. So here’s the key, in your time of waiting, continue to be obedient. Walk in what you know to do every day. Spend time with the Lord. Press into His presence. God will give you wisdom and clarity and speak to you. He has not forgotten you, He will never leave you, and He has a plan for you.Here is what I have found to be the blessing in the waiting, it is in serving others. While you are waiting, wait on others. The story of Stephen comes to mind. He was a waiter, he served food to the widows. Here is what the Word said about him, Stephen was chosen as one of the men, “full of the Spirit and wisdom,” to have responsibility for the fair distribution of food to the widows who had joined the growing community. He is described in Acts 6:8 as a man, who, “full of God’s grace and power performed great wonders and signs among the people.”Just as Jesus came to serve and not be served, we too should serve others. The blessing in the waiting is in serving others and seeing God’s will be done in their lives.