Scripture of The Day

I will say, “Salvation comes from the Lord..” (Jonah 2:9)


If you are like me, you have heard the story of Jonah and the whale since you were a kid.  However, have you ever seen it as a love story?  There is a famous poem called “The Hounds of Heaven,” by English poet Francis Thompson.  Thompson describes Jesus’ unceasing pursuit-despite his efforts to hide and run away, from God.  The poet concludes, “I am he whom Thou seekest.”

The pursuing love of God is a central theme in the book of Jonah.  God had given the prophet an assignment to tell the people of Nineveh, who were notorious enemies of Israel, about their need to turn to God.  Jonah ran from God and secured passage on a ship going in the opposite direction.  It was soon overcome by a violent storm.  To save the ship’s crew Jonah was thrown overboard and then swallowed by the big fish. (Verse 1:15-17)

In his own beautiful poem, Jonah recounted that despite his best efforts to run away from God, God pursued him.  Like us, Jonah came to the end of himself and cried out for God to save him.  God answered and provided rescue not only for Jonah, but for his Assyrian enemies as well. (3:10)

You cannot run from God.  He is always pursuing you and working on your behalf, guiding you back into restored relationship with Him.

Today, give it up and allow God to rescue you and set things right in your life.



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