By Cheryl Henderson

Scripture of The Day 3/9/2022

Let everything you say be … encouragement. Ephesians 4:29 NLT

I read a story recently about a student who was the subject of vicious rumors and gossip. This is his testimony, “I remember it like it was yesterday.  The queasy stomach, the tears, the hurt.  I thought I’d be sick as I sank to my knees on the cold concrete floor….I knew I didn’t deserve this.  But that didn’t make it any easier.  I felt like I didn’t have a friend in the world.  All because of gossip.”  God says, “Evil people relish malicious conversation  (Proverbs17:4 TM)  Gossip isn’t just frivolous, it’s downright evil! So how should you respond to those who whisper in your ear, “Have you heard about so n so?”

Speak up.  Let it be known that you do not engage in gossip, because of how hurtful it is. If necessary, walk away.

Consider the Consequences.  Wise up!  Smart people know that if you will gossip to them, you’ll gossip about them.  And what is worse, you’re dishonoring God and degrading your testimony!

Be an Encourager.    Paul says, “Let everything you say be … encouragement.”  So whenever you hear somebody being criticized, turn the  conversation around and say something nice.

This world needs people who will take a stand for truth, love, and mercy.  Let it be us!

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