Scripture of The Day 

For the Lord your God dried up the Jordon before you until you had crossed over. The Lord your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up
before us until we had crossed over.  (Joshua 4:23)


The story of Joshua taking the children of Israel and crossing the Jordan into the promise land reminds me of our life journey. These guys had wandered in the desert for 40 years! How long have you struggled with stuff in your life? Has it seemed like you have wandered in the desert? We all have desert times in our lives. However, the day came when Joshua told the people, it is time to cross over into God’s promise.

You know, God has given us great and precious promises. (2 Peter 1:4) The Bible says they are yes and amen. No matter what desert you have been in or are still in, today it is time to cross over. It is time to claim the promises of God for your life, family and business.  God’s heart is for you to have life and life more abundantly. Let the following promises prepare your heart to cross over! Leave the past behind, leave the worry, leave the fear, forgive yourself and receive God’s love and forgiveness.

The Promise of God’s Love – John 3:16

The Promise of Forgiveness – Matthew 18:12-14

The Promise of Purpose – Jeremiah 29:11

The Promise of Freedom – John 8:31-32

The Promise of Joy  – John 15:9-11

The Promise of Provision – Luke 12:22-28

The Promise of Power – John 14:12-13

The Promise of Grace  – Matthew 20:1-16

There are so many more promises for you. No more staying in the desert…It’s time to cross over into God’s Promises for your life!

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