Scripture of The Day

If you don’t stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all. (Isaiah 7:9) NIV


I am truly convinced that we are living in a time when we must speak up for what we believe in. I am actually more determined now than ever to live what I believe, speak up for what I believe, and share what I believe.

I heard a story about a good man who went to Sodom, hoping to save the city from God’s judgement.  He tried talking to first one then another, but no one would talk to him.  Then he tried carrying a picket sign that had “Repent” written on it in large letters.  No one paid any attention to the sign.  Finally he decided to go from marketplace to marketplace shouting loudly, “Repent” What you are doing is wrong. It will kill you !

Almost everyone laughed at him but still he went about shouting.  Then one day a man stopped him and asked him, ” Why do you keep doing this?  Can’t you see your shouting is useless?”  “Yes, I see it is not working” said the man.  “Then why do you continue?”  he asked.

The man said, ” When I arrived in this city, I was convinced that I could change them.  Now I continue shouting because I don’t want them to change me.”  Speak out for those things you believe in. Speak out for things that are good and true.  If you stay silent, others may take your silence as affirmation of their position.



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