Scripture of The Day

But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy. And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. And he said unto them, Where is your faith?   (Luke 8:23-25)


We live in South Georgia where thunder storms and lightning are prevalent. In fact, we just went through one today. It is a common occurrence during these storms to lose power to our homes for several hours as we did today. As I walked around our home today with a flashlight I felt like God was showing me something that we all need to heed. We can gripe and complain about the power company not having the proper equipment in place to maintain power but do we do the same thing in our spiritual life?

When we face the storms of life, like we all do, do we tend to lose power or do we maintain and even increase in power to overcome the storm surge? Do we have things in our belief systems that tend to back away from the battle when it comes or do we fight even harder? Do we become double-minded during these challenges by debating in our minds whether a particular attack is instigated or allowed by God versus being a direct attack from the enemy? Does our belief in the goodness of God stand the test of a battle or do we compromise our faith and allow false religious doctrines to cloud the picture and muddy the waters?

I have seen too many demonic attacks lately on anointed men and women of God that have caused great loss and great grief. This should not be!!! We have to get stronger in our belief in the goodness of God!!! We have to fight the good fight of faith. If we are losing battles then we need to examine our actions and beliefs and ask God where we are missing it.

There it is guys! Not only is our enemy against the Lord but he is against His anointed ones. Our enemy is not stupid. He knows that it’s the anointing of God that breaks and destroys yokes and bondages. It’s not our intellect, education, or position in life. It is God’s anointing. Did you not know that Christ is not the last name of Jesus and Christ means “the anointed one”? It is a word that describes the power and calling of Jesus.  It’s time to recognize that we are in a war. It’s time to fight. We have lost too many anointed ones and I for one do not want to lose any more, not even one!!!

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