By Cheryl Henderson

Scripture of The Day 3/30/2022

The man answered and said unto them. Why herein is a marvelous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes. ( John 9:30)

I have always loved the story of the blind boy that received his sight and all the Pharisees kept asking him how this happened.  Who healed you? Every time he was asked he told the same story.  Jesus’ actions were so miraculous and overwhelmingly consistent with God’s Word that any question about whether or not He was of God should have been dismissed,  However, the Pharisees could not fit Jesus into their religious box. He went against all their traditions.  Mark 7:13 says, “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which you have handed down.  And many such things you do.

In our culture today this still happens. It is great to study and have knowledge, but sometimes it can do more harm than good.  Sometimes theologians and the very educated win their theological battles yet lose the war for a person’s heart.  Those same theologians are many times the last to accept a move of God.

In this hour, we must have a move of God!  This is the hour where love is infinitely superior to knowledge.  People’s souls are at stake. Please don’t misunderstand me.  We need knowledge and wisdom.  We should learn all we can, but we must make our knowledge a servant to love.

Don’t let your quest for knowledge lead you away from knowing God today.  What you know is not as important as who you know, especially speaking of the Lord.  Press into knowing Him personally and intimately.


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