Scripture of The Day

…”You have stayed on this mountain long enough…”  (Duet 1:6)


Are you stuck?  Do you feel like you are in a desert?  Well then, it’s time to move out.  I am not sure what God’s wants you to do, but I am sure it is not to stay stuck in a place where there is no life. Matthew 16:19 says that Jesus has given us the Keys to the Kingdom.  He has given us His name, He has given us the blood, and He has given us the Holy Spirit.  We have everything we need to pack up and get off this mountain.

In John 5:8 there was a man lying beside the pool of Bethesda.  He had been laying there 38 years,  His excuse was, when the waters were stirred someone else would get in the pool before him and therefore he could not get healed.  When Jesus came by, He asked him, “Do you want to be healed?”  This is what Jesus told him to do, ” Get up, take up your bed and walk!”  In order for you to get off the mountain you must get up and take the first step.  I think Jesus saw a little grain of faith in this man’s heart. He did what Jesus told him to do and got up, picked up his bed and walked! What is Jesus telling you to do today.  It’s time to get off this mountain!



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