Scripture of The Day

May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ pour out his grace and peace upon you. (Philemon 1:3) The Passion Translation


Lately I am hearing of and experiencing many of my friends going home to be with Jesus.  While I rejoice with those who are now in the presence of the Lord, my heart hurts for those who are still here.  When you reach your seventies, leaving this earth is more of a reality to you.  Oh I am not scared nor am I afraid of going home to Heaven.  Like most people, I feel I have a lot of living to do and a lot of ministry still in me.  It is very different now as I walk my road without my spouse.  God has become more real to me and more intimate to me than ever before.

This is for all of you who have a loved one that has gone home to Jesus.  Take heart!  God is with you. Don’t stop doing what the Lord has called you to do. Know that your loved one is leaning over the bannisters of Heaven routing for you!  God spoke three things to me when Ed left this earth;  “Stay in My Word, spend time with the people you love, and finish what you started.”

My Word to you to day is to allow God to speak to you, to comfort you, and walk with you through whatever you have to walk through.  I leave you with these words from II Timothy 1:2 from the Passion Bible, “I pray for a greater release of God’s grace, love, and total well-being to flow into your life from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ!



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