Scripture of The Day 

Don’t let the passion of your emotions lead you to sin! Don’t let anger control you or be fuel for revenge, not even for a day. Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the devil, an opportunity to manipulate you!  (Ephesians 4:26-27) Passion Bible


I think we are living in very stormy days. It’s not only the things that are going on in our world and in other countries, but things going on in just our day to day lives.  It is easy to get angry about things and people. We can find fault with everyone from the drive through; to the Post Office; to the grocery store. We can even find fault with our own husband, wife or our kids.

I am asked many times, is anger a sin? Yes, when it is directed at people or God.  Anger is not wrong when directed toward sin or Satan. Jesus was furious with what the religious leaders were doing. He loved religious people but hated their religion. He loved the sinner, but hated the sin.

In a marriage relationship, the enemy works double time to get you angry with each other and he plays the video over and over in your mind. He wants you to go to bed mad and wake up mad.

Don’t take the bait. There is a book called The Bait of Satan. Great book on how to handle offenses.  The scripture for the day says that we can be angry, but we don’t have to sin. There are a couple of things that can help.  When you have cooled off, talk about the problem and try to find answers instead of judging the person or attacking their character. Stick to the issue.  Somethings we get angry about things that are not worth the fight. Pray, lay it at His feet. He will give you wisdom. Run to the throne not the phone.  Don’t pitch a hissy fit! Don’t act worse than the storm!

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