Scripture of The Day 

 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved“.  (John 3:16-17)


There is a constant theme that runs through the entire New Testament and that is one of edification and love. This theme is the same theme that should guide us in our personal lives, with those we do business, with those we work with and go to church with and also, with strangers. Paul the Apostle was probably the greatest relational marketing person of all times, traveling from city to city building a network of churches and leading thousands to the Lord, which ultimately resulted in an estimated 2.1 billion Christians in the world today. He was a well-educated man, a Pharisee of Pharisees, and had been a lead persecutor and condemner of Christians before meeting the Lord on the road to Damascus.

Paul’s heart was changed that day but I think he still struggled, as we all do, with that old condemning nature. He mentioned on several occasions in First and Second Corinthians that he had the liberty and freedom to say and do anything he wanted to but some things did not edify and some things were not profitable. He stated on several occasions that he had been given this power and these gifts for edification and not for destruction (II Cor. 13:10). Did you hear that? Paul believed that his skill and anointing was a gift from God and he described it as a two-edged sword that could cut for good (to edify and build up) or cut for bad (to destroy and tear down). We all need to remember that caution as we go forth and advance in our walk with the Lord.

The only thing described in the Bible as a sure thing is “love”. The Bible says love covers (hides) a multitude of sins and it will never fail.  You and I are in the love and hope business. In the days that we live in people need love and hope. They need to be encouraged and built up and we have been given the anointing and gifts to make that happen for ourselves and others.

Remember, Love never fails!


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