Scripture of The Day 

1 Corinthians 8:1b) Instead, my prayer for you and me is that the Lord would keep us teachable all the days of our lives. The Lord opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6) He will give us grace upon grace as we humbly seek to learn.


A teachable person is one who is able to learn by being taught. One who is capable of being taught.  If you are a teachable person, you strive to grow, you ask for feedback, and you respond well to it. You are constantly absorbing new information, asking for help, and looking for ways to improve. Someone who is teachable looks at other’s opinions as valuable learning tools, not a looming possibility of being wrong. God wants us to submit to His Word and will.  You cannot do that successfully if we act like we know it all.  That is pride.  The Lord opposes the proud.  But He gives grace to the humble.

Give me understanding [a teachable heart and the ability to learn], that I may keep Your law; And observe it with all my heart.  Psalms 119:34 AMP

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.  James 1:19-20

I pray that you stay teachable.  Allow God to speak into you life both through His Word and through other people. Stay teachable.

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