Scripture of The Day 

To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God.   Acts 26:18


The world we live in has a strong pull.  It is important to protect ourselves from slipping back into old thoughts and patterns.

One of those dangerous patterns is to justify something we know isn’t God’s best.  You may say, ” I’m just having a little fun.  This is no big thing.”  You try to convince yourself you can handle it.. Another dangerous pattern is to brush off conviction.  You keep secrets from those people you know would lovingly hold you accountable.  You bend the truth. You pretend.  You forget that sin crouches at the door and all he needs is a crack and then sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.

“I’m sending you off to open the eyes of the outsiders so they can see the difference between dark and light, and choose light, see the difference between Satan and God, and choose God. I’m sending you off to present my offer of sins forgiven, and a place in the family, inviting them into the company of those who begin real living by believing in me”.  Acts 26:17-18  (Msg)

People need to see the difference between light and dark. They need to see the difference between God and Satan.  You are God’s Ambassador.  Here are a few tips for you as you stay off the slippery slope.

. Ask a trusted friend to help

. Get honest with people you love

. Admit that you need help and take time to get the help you need.

. Build accountability measures in your life.

Ask Jesus for help.  Stay in His Word. Like the end of verse 18, “Begin real living by believing in me.”.

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