Scripture of the Day
(December 28, 2020)
Don’t be misled; remember that you can’t ignore God and get away with it: a man will always reap just the kind of crop he sows! (Galatians 6:7, TLB)

My wife and I went on an afternoon car ride Saturday through the back country roads of South Georgia. If you have never been here it is beautiful this time of year with the pecan orchards turning green and the corn fields starting to sprout. The farmers were out enforce with their tractors, preparing the ground and planting their seed. Thousands of acres manicured to perfection. All the weeds had been plowed under and the seed planted in nice clean rows with irrigation pumps starting to hum. In just a few short months a great harvest will take place that will feed the multitudes.
As we drove by these fields I was reminded by God of a few things it takes for us to have a harvest in our own lives. We can learn a lot from the farmer:

* We need to prepare the soil – The soil is your heart. The hard places need to be tilled and the weeds plowed under. It is hard to grow a seed on a rock. Unforgiveness, bitterness and strife cause hard ground and it needs to be plowed under. You want the last word? Say, “I’m sorry”.
* The right seed needs to be planted – If you want mercy and kindness, you need to plant mercy and kindness. If you want honor and respect in your marriage, plant honor and respect. You may ask, “Why do I have to be first”? Because, you are the one reading this devotional.
* You don’t always have to be right – Sometimes being right can win you the booby prize. Some hills are just not worth dying on.
* You need to water your seed – Water is a critical element of life. Water is like encouragement. Everybody needs encouraging so do a lot of watering, especially in your marriage.  God’s ways are not our ways! In fact, they are usually just the opposite. If you want a harvest you are going to have to prepare your heart first; plant (or give) first; and then water your seed first by encouraging words and deeds. If you will do these things, you will see a harvest. It works for the South Georgia farmer and it will work for you.

A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an
hundredfold. (Luke 8:5-8)

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3)


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