We mentioned several devotionals ago that we would keep you posted on our walk through this health challenge that I am going through. This is the update that I mentioned.

Next Tuesday will be our third chemo treatment. Everything is good. In fact, these six-hour stints in the hospital gives me a chance to read the Word and prepare for our Bible class that we teach every other Tuesday and the devotionals that we publish five days a week. It also gives me a chance to reflect on the things that are really important.

Our personal relationship with the Lord is number one. Our relationship with our spouse is number two. Our relationship with our children is number three. Our relationships on our job (if you have one) are number four. Our relationship with our ministry is number five. If you get any of these out of order you are headed for trouble.

The picture in the beginning of this devotional is me in the chemo chair reading the Word. Cheryl took this picture when I wasn’t looking. This was not a planned shot. It’s just what I do to redeem the time.

This last weekend all our kids and grandkids came to visit.

They had not all been together in years and it was good to see them. Family is important!!! Of course, we had to feed this crowd but thank God for the Body of Christ (church members, neighbors, Bible study members, friends, etc.) that donated more food than we could eat.

One of our family asked where all the food came from and we said it was from all our friends. One of our family commented that they didn’t think they had friends like that. That is why we need the Body of Christ. Thank God for everyone that donated food to this wild bunch. We love you!!!!!

One of my other friends emailed me the other day and mentioned that this must be tough what I am going through. As I reflected on that, what I am going through has no comparison to what Jesus went through. We just need to consider Him when we are going through tough times.

Keep praying guys! Also, pray for all the others in this same chemo room. The nurse told me that they see sixty cancer patients a day. That is a lot for our little town!! Pray!!!!!

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